The company is operating since 1968 and is one of the oldest in the field.
The company deals with management, coordination and supervision of complex and large projects in the field of civil engineering to the scope of $100 million and up per project. Amongst them execution of many hotels in Israel and Europe as well as large public projects such as Ben Gurion Airport 2000, museums, office buildings, deluxe residential complexes, etc.
Nizan-Inbar Project Management (1992) Ltd. was a partner with Amnat and the American management company, Lehrer McGovern & Bovis (LMB) in the management and supervision of the execution of the Ben Gurion Airport 2000 project whose financial scope was approximately $750,000,000 and was completed and set in motion with great success.
In addition, the company also deals with land appraisal.
The projects that we have managed and executed can be divided into the following categories:
Residential Project
Social Halls and Public Structures
Hospitals and Statutory Accommodation
Maritime Projects
Shopping and Distribution Centers
Educational Institutions
Structures for Preservation
Land Appraisal
Nizan-Inbar Project Management qualified for “ISO 9001-2000”.
Nizan-Inbar Project Management (1992) Ltd. is operated by senior engineers who are knowledgeable and experienced who consolidate all the company's works:
Uri Inbar,
Civil Engineer (M.Sc.)
Graduate of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (1961).
Zvi Arad,
Civil Engineer (B. Sc.) and Land Appraisal
Graduate of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (1977).
Ido Inbar,
Civil Engineer (B. Sc.)
Graduate of Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York (1994).
Omri Inbar,
Industrial Management Engineering (B. Sc.)
Coventry University (1998).